It’s a struggle to survive alone, but as part of a hive, we strive to thrive together.
Thrive is a weekly gathering with crazy activities, challenging games, and yummy snacks where we strive to know Jesus better. With so many distractions and competing claims bombarding us, we need to focus on God and his ways.
We strive live a transformed life in Christ so we can have boldness in our relationships and activities in the world. Rather than reacting to life’s situations and troubles, we want to strive to thrive by depending on Jesus and the support of our friends.
Thrive meets almost every Wednesday at Evangel 6:30 to 8:15 p.m.
Youth Group Retreat Oct 18-20
Youth Group Ax Throwing Oct 9
Youth Group Gaga Ball Oct 2
Hey Teens! We’ll have GAGA BALL BATTLE ROYALE and be talking about how Jesus shows us the way in our conflicts. He...
Youth Group Mafia! Sept 25
YG Basketball Shootout Sept 18
Youth Group Fall Kick Off Sept 11
YOUTH GROUP Wednesday, Sept 11, 6:30-8:15PM Hey Teens & Families! As you probably know, we have transitioned to our ...
Youth Group Wednesday Starting Sept 4
YOUTH GROUP Wednesday, Sept 4, 6:30-8:15PM Hey Teens & Families! As you probably know, we are transitioning to our a...
Youth Group Sept Newsletter
Youth Group Swim Party Aug 25
Hey Teens! We’re meeting at the Kytta’s home this Sunday! Bring a towel & your swimsuit (girls, a tankin...
YG Venue Change for Sunday Aug 11 & 18
The Somero’s and the Ceane’s needed to switch days for hosting YG. It already was sent out with the origina...
Youth Group Newsletter August 2024
June Youth Newsletter