Pastor Levi, Pastor Travis, and Lisa talk about the time when Jesus healed a blind man in stages — an object lesson for those who saw Jesus, ranging from those who were blind, those who partially saw, and those who fully saw who he was — from Mark 8:11-30. This is an episode of Pearls & Swine on the Evangel Houghton Podcast from Evangel Community Church, Houghton, Michigan, March 26, 2024.
Pastor Levi, Pastor Travis, and Lisa talk about the time when Jesus healed a blind man in stages — an object lesson for those who saw Jesus, ranging from those who were blind, those who partially saw, and those who fully saw who he was — from Mark 8:11-30. This is an episode of Pearls & Swine on the Evangel Houghton Podcast from Evangel Community Church, Houghton, Michigan, March 26, 2024.
Pastor Levi, Pastor Travis, and Lisa talk about the time when Jesus healed a blind man in stages — an object lesson for those who saw Jesus, ranging from those who were blind, those who partially saw, and those who fully saw who he was — from Mark 8:11-30. This is an episode of Pearls & Swine on the Evangel Houghton Podcast from Evangel Community Church, Houghton, Michigan, March 26, 2024.