The pastors from Evangel Community Church discuss an often quoted line from Jesus: "do not judge," including is that a full stop or is there a time and a way to judge? Also, they talk about how we'll be judged as we judge, and judging with truth and love. This is an episode of Pearls & Swine on the Evangel Houghton Podcast from Evangel Community Church, Houghton, Michigan, September 7, 2021.
The pastors from Evangel Community Church discuss an often quoted line from Jesus: "do not judge," including is that a full stop or is there a time and a way to judge? Also, they talk about how we'll be judged as we judge, and judging with truth and love. This is an episode of Pearls & Swine on the Evangel Houghton Podcast from Evangel Community Church, Houghton, Michigan, September 7, 2021.
The pastors from Evangel Community Church discuss an often quoted line from Jesus: "do not judge," including is that a full stop or is there a time and a way to judge? Also, they talk about how we'll be judged as we judge, and judging with truth and love. This is an episode of Pearls & Swine on the Evangel Houghton Podcast from Evangel Community Church, Houghton, Michigan, September 7, 2021.